Wise Woman Ways

A transformational retreat for women to flourish as elders

We warmly invite you to an intimate, one week, retreat in the Alpujarras, Southern Spain.

Followed by 9 monthly circles with your sisters (online) to integrate and deepen your experience..

From 13th – 20th November 2024

A rite of passage to embody your deepest natural, wild wisdom

For women in or post-menopause.

An empowering, nourishing, re-wilding retreat to uncover your unique beauty, magic and medicine.

Step into the temple of the Divine Feminine

We can spend much of our time serving others.

We give to our family, community, work, and responsibilities.

We can end up feeling tired, frustrated, and lost.


And we cannot give from an empty cup.

The Wise Woman empowers herself by nourishing herself first. 

She takes space to be understood, seen, and heard. She lets go of what no longer serves her.

She is held and feels full and satisfied in her skin. She listens to her body’s wisdom.

She takes her rest. She is a radiant beacon of natural wisdom and hope for others.

She wields her unique and potent magic. Her very presence supports her sisters.

The Wise Woman serves the whole

When we lift each other up to shine, we serve the whole: our families, our communities, and our world.

Challenging times invite the rose of the heart to open.

To soften and be held by the Divine Feminine.

Nourish your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul

Connect with Spirit and come home to your true Self.

Is this you? You…

  • Have navigated menopause and are ready for the next phase of life to be juicy, alive, and meaningful

  • Are ready to surrender the old for the new

  • Are willing to let go of what holds you back and go beyond perceived limitations

  • Have the energy for a learning journey of personal growth; open to try the new, the natural and the wild

  • Have embarked on your own personal spiritual journey and would like to open more to the Divine

  • Are in a transitional phase in life where you are asking – what about me now?

  • Want to feel confident and capable, whilst connected to your deep feminine wisdom

  • Can often glimpse your power, but can sometimes feel doubt and uncertainty

  • Want to see more clearly your gifts and your desires and how you can best share these to serve others

  • Seek support, inspiration, laughter and wisdom from like-minded wise women

  • Want a deep rest from your day-to-day and are willing to invest in yourself to feel nourished, held and fulfilled

  • Seek to create a lasting transformation that allows you to step fully into being your authentic, expressed, natural self

  • Are interested in exploring how menopause can be a rite of passage to empowered eldership


Come and fill your cup

As we enter the Autumn of life – more than ever, it is important to take time to recharge and rejuvenate.

This Autumn from 30th October to 6th November 2023 in Andalusia, Spain, during the week of Samhain, we invite you to fully realise your unique and feminine power.

Be the woman you came here to be: Free, Wild, Connected.


Feel what is wild and natural

Feel what is wild and natural

Re-wild yourself with the healing power of nature and connect with your body.

Do yoga while you gaze at the endless sky, smell the scent of flowers, and hear the sound of birds.

Move, Dance, Sing. Relax and rest your body, open your heart, and start to feel whole again.

Remember you are part of nature and belong to Mother Earth.

Simply be.

Take pleasure in the sweetness of life

Take pleasure in the sweetness of life

Enjoy your body, and nurture yourself with pleasure, treats, and pampering. Eat amazing, satisfying local and seasonal food.

Learn how to care for your body as a temple with wild woman practices and sensual secrets that help you experience your health, vitality, and radiance.

Create soul nourishing rituals and ceremonies to connect you to your spiritual Source.

Feel and look beautiful.

Make space for healing and empowerment

Make space for healing and empowerment

Co-create a safe space to move on from painful patterns of the past. Learn who you truly are to Let go of what you are not.

Honor ancestors, acknowledge death, and connect deeply with Spirit; embrace and expand with these powerful energies. Heal.

Connect with and offer your unique gifts, discover your creativity and inspiration; explore how you can effortlessly express your magic in the world. Be seen, held and appreciated. Express yourself.

Meet Your Hosts

Your host are all Wise Women who through their own life journeys have deepened their knowledge and understanding of wise and wild ways that serve women. They are all experienced teachers and facilitators.

Each has navigated heartbreak and loss; rising through the ashes to reconnect with the Divine Feminine. Each has honed her unique magic and now desires to nourish, serve and empower you to find your own.

We believe the most helpful thing we can do for the world right now is to support Wise Women to fully step into their heart and soul power and be their true and unique gifts.

The intuitive gifts of the Wise Woman are needed, now more than ever.

You are needed.

Julia Bull

Julia is an Artist, Chef, and Entrepreneur who helps women take pleasure in the light,
sweet stuff of life; to fully embrace and enjoy their feminine essence.

Julia Bull is the Co-creator of the Hidden Paradise retreat center and author of Love Food.  Hidden Paradise is a Body, Mind, and Soul Centre created to help people discover the paradise within. Julia feels passionately about what we put into and onto our precious bodies and how this can affect our wellbeing. 

Julia brings you a wealth of goodies. She can share a multitude of ways to step up your health, give you some high vibe cookery skills or just enjoy the sweetness of life. It is her pleasure to share cool ways that you can cut costs, plastic waste and instead eat nutritionally packed food that gives you more vitality. She also facilitates community work in the kitchen and garden using permaculture techniques.

Julia sees how our unconscious consumption is something that can lurk in the shadows, and that cravings and addictions are actually unmet needs and squashed repressed emotions, so she supports women to bring what’s unseen into the light. She encourages women to connect with their bodies, creativity and desires and to discover the joy of devotional practice.

Julia has also been a contributing member of the Lux Collective and Eat Prunes for over 20 years – a local community of Soul Sisters who create, sing and perform.

Julia has over twenty five years practical experience of hosting, holding and participating in women’s circles. 

Julia’s Website – Hidden Paradise

Tara Kleij

Tara is a Yoga and Meditation Teacher with 35 years of experience who helps women to feel
what is wild and natural; through embodiment she enables women to be still and deeply connect with themselves

As a small girl Tara grew up in a spiritual community called ‘Auroville’ in South India where Yoga and meditation were a part of life and since then this has been her guiding light.

Later her journey led her to travel and study with many great yogis and spiritual masters and she has spent half her life in the east, always furthering her yoga studies as well as learning natural healing techniques.

In 2006 she created Sunfood Yoga where she offers Transformational Retreats with her partner and two sons in Spain and India.

Tara has taught yoga and meditation for over 35 years and created her own unique style where she combines the Spiritual with grounding, flowing, feminine ways; adding mantras, mudras, and pranayama to each class she gives.

Empowering and supporting women as they enter the second phase of their life to age with grace and grit is her passion. Through her yoga and practices, she helps women to heal and awaken the wise women in themselves;  getting back to wholeness and living an awakened life.

Tara’s Website 

“Thank you for creating this safe space. This feminine space, where women can blossom like flowers in the spring; nourished, loved, taken care of.

Agnieszka Szelejak, Kundalini & Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher

Elizabeth Lovius

Elizabeth is a Feminine Leadership Mentor who helps women make space for their own healing, wholeness and empowerment; letting their own natural wisdom lead

Elizabeth Lovius is a Changemaker; a Leadership Coach, Mentor and Social Entrepreneur specialising in giving leaders – especially women – the headspace to let their wisdom lead. She is an international speaker, author and award winning trainer and facilitator. 

When leaders think and feel better, they do better and lead better. Working with Elizabeth, in addition to many years of corporate experience, you get a real human being; a warm connection and a lightness of heart. It is in this space of relaxation, enjoyment and ease – where the magic really happens and women discover what they have been looking for has been there all along: Who they truly are at Core.

Elizabeth is Founder of Kindred Spirit Consultancy one of the first 100 Bcorps in the UK where the focus is on business as a force for good – ensuring that business balances the need to create profit with caring for the Planet and the People. Clients include: IBM,  itsu, ITV, Pret A Manger, Cook, M&S, Sky, Samsung, Very

Elizabeth has:

  • over 25 years of experience in all sectors  (extensive experience in the Hospitality, Food, Media and Retail Sectors)
  • worked with over 100 organisations on their culture
  • trained, coached and mentored over 10,000 individuals
  • specialised in the unique challenges and opportunities that leaders, especially women leaders face


Elizabeth’s website

‘It’s just about seeing, opening your eyes again. Waking up again.  I would recommend working with Elizabeth to anyone. It’s life-changing. I can honestly say it’s been like scales dropping from my eyes.’ 

– Nicki Fisher Head of the Pret Foundation –


‘Gentle, vulnerable, loving and raw. We are more than we could ever imagine.’

Holding each other in the beautiful Hidden Paradise, a place made sacred by our love for each other and just being together. So many beautiful souls sharing tears and laughter, joy and pain.

‘I felt heard, nourished, powerful, held, safe and loved.’

Fellow Wise Women who have attended our events. – 

Where will we be?

Imagine yourself…in a Hidden Paradise.

In the foothills of the Alpujarra mountains, feasting on mulberries. fresh figs and grapes straight from the vines and trees.

Soak in the sun and swim in the natural pools, deeply connect with other inspiring women, and return to your natural inner rhythm and flow.

Wake up to the sound of birds, starting your day singing mantras while the sun rises behind the majestic mountain peaks.

Feel the sun on your face, the breeze in your hair, and smell the fresh, clean air.

Dive deep into your natural, wild wisdom through connecting with Heart and Mind, Body and Soul.

Imagine breathing deeply and thanking yourself as you gaze up at the vast sky full of stars that you gave this precious gift to yourself!

Entering the Earth temple

“My experience at Hidden Paradise has been nothing but love.
The people, the sharing, the food made with love..
all the love in every detail of every building”

– Jestine, Marie Manucheri.U.S.A.. –

Falafel sunfoodyoga style from the yoga retreats in Spain
Granola Sunfood Yoga style

The Cuisine

Our experienced chefs take pride in creating delicious, healthy meals using home-grown and where possible organic and always locally sourced ingredients, to prepare nutritious raw, vegan, and vegetarian dishes.

Julia Bull, our chef will show you how to give yourself what you are craving, without giving in to unhealthy habits, for example, sharing delicious raw cake recipes and healthy raw chocolate and probiotic foods.

We are happy to accommodate the needs of guests with allergies to particular foods and often prepare gluten and dairy-free meals – all served with love!

We can see this retreat as a wonderfully gentle way to cleanse the mind, body, and spirit, your body will be renewed in several ways.

Please write to us if you have any special needs, so that our chefs can take care of them.

Thank you for creating this safe space, this feminine space, Where women can blossom like flowers in the spring: nourished, loved, taken care of.

Agnieszka Szelejak, Kundalini & Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher

Spaceship Women sharing

What will the retreat be like?

On the retreat, we will circle together in an intimate setting as numbers are limited to Thirteen. This ensures we have a safe space to go deep together.

  • We will take care to consciously open and close our circle and sacred container

  • We will deeply explore one theme each day and on your final day integrate what you have seen

  • Every morning and evening there will be practical activities that allow us to connect and deepen with the feminine and theme for that day

  • These activities may be rituals, yoga, meditation, singing, chanting, dancing, sensual experiences or reflections

  • Sprinkled through the week are workshops, masterclasses and personalised coaching on each theme to deepen your own growth, development and insight

  • In sacred sharing circles, you will find voice and wisdom, helping you to both learn from yourself and from others

  • There will be plenty of space each day to follow your own flow and be with yourself. Perhaps to rest, reflect, be in nature, connect with others receive pampering

  • You will create something beautiful to take home that embodies the week as an offering for your own temple to the Divine Feminine/Spirit.

  • We will also make room for the spontaneous magic to happen through us all staying open to our intuitive wisdom.

Our Themes and Daily Schedule

We are  a unique expression of Mind, Body, Heart and Soul so we wish to nourish you in all these domains – additionally we want to facilitate a deeper connection with Spirit and All that is.  

Most of all, we aim to connect you with your innate intuitive Wisdom to truly know how to recognise it and deeply trust how it can guide you in all aspects of life.


  • Afternoon:
    – Settling in and Connecting – Creating a sacred, safe space- agreements
    – Setting intentions and Focus
  • Evening: Welcome Ceremony


  • Morning:
    – Teaching: Accessing your Innate Intuitive Wisdom, aligning with The Eternal
    – Workshop: Acknowledging Death and The Ancestors
  • Afternoon: Self-Work: Creating your sacred space
  • Evening: Samhain Ceremony


  • Morning:
    – Teaching: Universal Mind and Personal Mind – how we create our experience
    – Workshop: Wounded parts – letting go of what no longer serves 
  • Afternoon: Free time/Treatments


  • Morning: 
    – Teaching: Treating the body as a temple
    – Masterclasses on:
    • Re-wilding with Nature
    • Food – Health – Nutrition – Mood Food 
    • Sensuous Secrets – Skincare
  • Afternoon: Free Time/Treatments/Practising Masterclass content


  • Morning: 
    – Teaching: Ways to open the Heart and Be Heart Led
    – Sister Circle: Wise Woman sharing and support 
    – Masterclass: Self-Love and Sexual energy
  • Afternoon Free time/Treatments/Practising masterclass content
  • Evening: Heart opening ceremony – Cacao


  • Morning: 
    – Masterclass: Expressing your unique magic and medicine – Archetypes
    – Workshop: Style Council and Dressing our Archetypes
  • Afternoon: Free time/Treatments/Preparation
  • Evening: Party – Dance – Celebration


  • Morning: 
    – Sharing Circle: Completing the journey: What is your Wisdom? What are your Keys?
    – Workshop: Setting up healthy happy habits
  • Afternoon: Free time/Treatments/Reflection
  • Evening: Integration ceremony

DAY 8 – MONDAY – Closing

  • Morning:
    – Sharing Circle: Final Sister Circle – Wise Woman sharing
    – Completion ceremony

What will you receive?

For the Early Bird Special Price of just €1,950 you will receive:

  • A personal one-to-one session with one of our hosts to help uncover your personal desires
  • A pre-retreat online circle to ground and connect with the group
  • Three experienced wise women practitioners who will hold and support you
  • An experience of rustic eco-luxury in your own private room and re-wilding in the stunning nature of the Alpujarra mountains in Granada, Spain
  • A 7-day retreat held in Hidden Paradise – includes stunning mountain views, a rustic wood-fired sauna and a swimming pool
  • Three beautiful meals daily – chef prepared from local and organic ingredients.
  • Complementary fruits, herbal tea and spring water available through the day.
  • Daily yoga in our temple
  • A variety of workshops designed to help you reconnect to yourself, your wisdom and the Divine
  • The simple pleasures of rest and space to be
  • A powerful Samhain ceremony connecting us with the spiritual energy of what is eternal
  • Celebration ceremony to honour who you are and what you bring
  • Creating an offering to the Divine Feminine to take home and ground you in your practice
  • A wise woman toolkit of rituals, tools, practices, and nourishment of all kinds to discover, build and nurture your inner wisdom and resources.
  • Transfer Shuttle Bus to and from Malaga Airport (see times in PDF)

PLUS you will also receive as our gift to you:

  • A 60-minute Pampering or Healing Treatment choose a full body massage, relaxing reflexology or a luxurious facial

  • A professional photoshoot that celebrates you and your unique essence

  • A bag of nourishing handpicked treats designed to support your inner journey.

AND It does not end there…

We meet together monthly online for 9 months
for Sacred Sharing Circles

We offer a profound ongoing journey that deepens and integrates all you have learned.

After our immersion to support each other and embody our wise woman in our daily lives…

We will gather to:

  • Check in on and support each other in our  practices
  • Go deeper into our own self-understanding and topics of interest
  • Allow our transformation to take root
  • Witness and celebrate our own and our Sisters’ growth

Come home to yourself and take with you:

  • Self-acceptance and appreciation for you who are and what you bring

  • Clarity on your unique gifts and medicine

  • Inspiration and focus for where you are going

  • Reconnection with your wild woman soul

  • Rejuvenation in mind and body, heart and soul

  • Increased confidence, openness, creativity, joy and love

  • Community and support from fellow wise women

  • Coming home to your own intuitive Wisdom.


We are limiting the retreat to a maximum of 18 people in order to create a deep connection with everyone, so book your spot before it’s gone!

Would you like more information?

Extra detailed Information on: the hosts, the retreat, the venue, the transfers and all that is included

Can’t come in September?

If you’re interested but can’t come in September you can fill in the form and I’ll keep in touch about upcoming new dates for this particular retreat.


What people say about us and our retreats

Adventure with Kindred Spirits

Video: Lizzie Woolfenden, Music: Soul Sisters by MaMuse


Reserve your spot!