Pancha Karma Cleanse in the Himalayas in India

My son Sky just recently did a Pancha Karma in the Himalayas.

Below he shares his experience…

At the moment I’m at the Haidakhan Babaji Ashram Chiliyanaula , near to Ranikhet , a beautiful and charming hill station located in Almora district in the Uttarakhand state with an altitude of 1,869 meters above sea level.

The town of Ranikhet , situated in the Kumaon Hills , is surrounded by a thick cover of Oak and deodar forests that house several rare and endangered wildlife species.

Shri Babaji Himself came to this place in the 1970s and arranged for the construction of the Ashram & Mandir (Temple) here..

This is said to be a place of great spiritual power , where ancient Rishis used to come to meditate & behold the majestic view of the snow covered Himalayan peaks , such as Nanda Devi , Trishul , Kamet & more.


Himalaya view Sky pancha karma

With the view of the Mana mountain region , where the Char Dham of Badrinath , Kedarnath , Gangotri , Yamunotri is also located .

It’s really an incredible experience to watch the clear view of the majestic Himalayan mountains from here , and makes one realize the majesty & beauty of God’s Creation .

A good place for Meditation & connecting with Mother Nature.. and also a good place for doing a Panchakarma Cleanse Treatment.. since there is a top quality Charitable Ayurvedic Bhole Baba Hospital which offers some of the best treatments to heal & detoxify the body and mind .

I have also decided to do a Panchakarma cleansing treatment for 2 weeks while staying here .. since this is a great opportunity to cleanse & heal the body .

During our consultation I’ve shared my situation with the Ayurvedic Doctor , and that I need some treatment to help with removing the excessive heat in my system .

The Dr. ensured me that a Panchakarma Treatment of 2 weeks would be greatly beneficial and be of great help .. so here I am , day 1 of my 2 week Panchakarma Cleanse..

Up until now it has been a good experience , the facilities , treatments & the food are all very nice and good.. and the doctors also are very friendly & have a great sense of humor.

As I am only starting with the treatment , there is still a lot that awaits me in the coming 2 weeks .. and I look forward to experience the full process & hopefully also a beautiful outcome.

Happy finishing pancha karma


It’s nice to take the time to do this cleanse before traveling back to Spain in about 3 weeks from now .. also a good way to clean out any of the accumulated toxins from the
long travels through India.

I also look forward to being back in Europe again .. giving the yoga retreats together with Tara Ma , seeing friends and family in Spain , Germany & Holland .. but actually deep in my Heart , I feel the most connected with Mother India .. which feels like an Ancient Mother , containing so much wisdom
& beauty ..

Somehow Mother India always keeps calling me back into Her Embrace , and I will always keep on coming back to this Magical Land ..

Next time to Vrindavana during the Holy auspicious month of Kartik (October – November) , but that’s a story for another time ..

For now enjoying the peace & beauty surrounding Chiliyanaula , Ranikhet ..


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